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Turn off auto sorting?

Posted: 11.11.2008, 20:20
by TsunamiZ
Is there a way to turn off auto sorting for currently opened folders? I prefer to have newly added items listed at the bottom of the order until I refresh the folder.

Posted: 27.02.2009, 15:43
by TsunamiZ
anyone know if this is improved in version 2009.02 yet?

Posted: 12.03.2009, 11:06
by clanman
Yes there is a way

Go to View->Sort by->Unsorted.

This will affect the currently selected pane (no affect if a tree is in focus). This has the added bonus that if you have both panes on the same folder then one auto sorts and the other does not.

It also sorts the folder by name when refreshed or a new folder selected. This is the exact default action as Explorer.