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Reverse order on history list of Quick Filter searches [DONE]

Posted: 30.05.2018, 18:57
by Forez
Under that triangle icon there is that unfolding itself list of recent filtering entries

But why is the most recent one at the very top? Because the numbering goes from top to bottom? Why? So that the user have to move the mouse pointer much more when the user wants to access the most recent one?

Just ask yourselves this question- is more probable that you will want to use the 1-3 most recent entries as a base for a new / repeated quick search? Or that you will remember that a month ago you searched for something via Quick Filter, something that you need to search right now for one more time conveniently via Quick Filter - and so you will think to yourself "how nice that this very old entry is somewhere near that triangle icon" thus near the mouse pointer?

Re: Reverse order on history list of Quick Filter searches

Posted: 01.06.2023, 09:09
by Forez
Why cannot the history of Quick Filter searches be listed in the opposite way, with the most recent one being at the bottom of this list i.e. always close to the box?

Cannot the history of Quick Filter searches be listed in the opposite way, with the most recent one being at the bottom of this list i.e. always close to the box?

Re: Reverse order on history list of Quick Filter searches

Posted: 09.06.2023, 12:19
by Forez
It is now possible [in Build 890] to choose this sort order

Thank you for the update