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Is it possible to access the linux wsl$ folder from Freecommander?

Posted: 03.06.2020, 03:46
by zbernie
In File Explorer I can access my linux files in the windows subsystem linux directory below. Freecommander does not seem to be aware of \\wsl$ though.

Is there any way I can access my linux files using Freecommander?



Re: Is it possible to access the linux wsl$ folder from Freecommander?

Posted: 06.12.2020, 19:08
by tjfinneran
I could not use freecommander to access the \\wsl$ share at all in freecommander

I was able to workaround with a mapped network drive.

Use explorer.exe to visit \\wsl$ and right click to map the network drive of your distro.

Then from free commander you can access the network drive letter and use favorites as expected.

Re: Is it possible to access the linux wsl$ folder from Freecommander?

Posted: 11.12.2020, 02:42
by tjfinneran
Also the Dos box becomes an issue. I wanted to use wsl bash and work out of there. It doesn't know how to react to the mapped drive. Assuming you have a default wsl set i use this bat file. Then in the freecommander dos box you can call this.bat "%ActivDir%" and it will map to the mnt for drive C or use the converted linux style path to start a bash terminal in the matched wsl path.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set arg1=%1
set "arg1=%arg1:\=/%"

FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 DELIMS=:" %%G IN (%arg1%) DO (
set "drive=%%G"
set "upath=%%H"
if %drive%==C (
set "upath=/mnt/c%upath%"
wsl.exe -- bash -c "cd %upath% && bash"