Hello ... and a few observations re XE 532

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Hello ... and a few observations re XE 532

#1 Post by seyda » 09.07.2011, 09:42

Hi all,
discovered Free Commander yesterday, started out with XE 532 as the to-do list didn't have any showstoppers afaics.
Big thank you, Marek, for a very grown-up piece of software, it's as close to perfect as anything else out there, even better in some ways. :D

Please allow me a mixed bag of remarks, Qs and requests - feel free to ignore :lol:
1. please look into "scroll left" and "scroll right" again, there must be a more standard way of implementing this.
I've been using Logitech mice for many years which scroll left/right when pressing the wheel left/right (Tilt Wheel), works like a charm in all programs I'm aware of and is sooo convenient.
"shift wheel" works, unfortunately that can't be assigned on my mouse ...
2. any chance of a column showing the bit rate for mp3s ?
ideally including vbr/abr/cbr ?
3. the 25%, 50%, 75% buttons are pure genius, would be even better with visible icons :wink:
4. don't want to get on your nerves, but here's another vote for multiple undo, even if it has some limitations. Rename is dangerously close to delete :oops:
5. probably pilot error, but I can't get "colour by file type" to work, how would the syntax be for rar, zip and 7z to name a random example. I've tried various separators, individual entries - no success
6. while it works fine to start XE 532 with a "dual shortcut" a la "C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeCommanderXE\FreeCommander.exe" "c:\" "C:\Program Files (x86)\", the tabs are accumulating .
Any way to open XE 532 with various dual folders (I have several of these dual shortcuts in Quick Launch) and not having to close old tabs ?

Thanks again, nice WE,

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