AutoHotkey Scripts for FreeCommanderXE

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AutoHotkey Scripts for FreeCommanderXE

#1 Post by BGM » 26.02.2012, 21:38

Here are my AutoHotkey Scripts for FCXE. I will add more as I think of them, and keep them updated. Please feel free to improve them. Please remember, that you use them at your own risk! If they mess up something, it is your fault, not mine! However, I don't think they will mess up anything (I use them myself), but you never know. Also, depending on the configuration of your computer, they may or may not work... but you are free to use and abuse them as you like. If you can improve the script, please let me know.

Requirements: AutoHotkey_L. They might work with AutoHotkey Standard, but I haven't tried it.

Here is a zip archive of all the scripts below.
However, if you just want one or two, please visit my webpage where you can download them individually.

version 1.1; last updated October 2, 2012
This will launch any file using its associated program, and keep a log of the files opened.
Attach this to a button in FC!

version 1.2; last updated October 2, 2012
Call this script from the commandline to open any directory in a new tab in the current instance of FC.
You can use it like this from the commandline: c:\fcscripts\fcdir.ahk "d:\somefolder\some other folder"
Or you can simply drop the folder onto the script's icon. (or you can compile the script, if you like).
If FC isn't running, it should launch FC and then open the directory.
It works well with my Protocaller application.

version 1.1; last updated October 2, 2012
Call this script from the commandline to open any directory in a new tab in the current instance of FC.
If FC isn't running, it should launch FC and then open the directory.

version 1.2; last updated October 2, 2012
Attach this script to a global hotkey! It will display a menu of all the folder paths from tabs currently open in FreeCommander. The active tabs' paths will be checkmarked for easy visual sighting. When you select the item, the path is copied to the clipboard. This works even if FC is not running.

version 1.1; last updated October 2, 2012
Attach this script to a button in FreeCommander. It will quickly create a text file in the current directory called "!Info.txt", append the date, and open it so you can immediately begin typing. If no file exists, it will be created. If it already exists, the file will be opened and you can begin typing in a newly dated area. Perfect for taking notes about files in a directory.

version 1.0; last updated October 2, 2012
Attach this script to a button in FC, and set the parameter to %ActiveSel%. Now you can select any two files or folders and swap their names. I think it will work on large files and directories, but it does a file-move procedure, so it might not be too efficient for larger objects.
(Windows 10-1909 Professional 64bit)

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