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Search file content, Containing text: in PDF documents

Posted: 27.11.2012, 13:15
by sdb
it seems that searching for a text string in pdf's does not work. whereas for html txt etc. it seems to work. Would it be possible to implement search file content for pdf file? Such a feature would make things a lot easier.

I guess this is not possible because a pdf must be converted for a search operation.

Re: Search file content, Containing text: in PDF documents

Posted: 27.11.2012, 18:40
by Timon
It's a very good question! I think Marek should think about it. But search in files may work only in case, if text in file is recognized (not only in pdf, but in any documents like doc, xls or something else, that could be opened with plugins). If we try to open such file with internal viewer and try to search for desired string (for example in pdf), then it could be found. I think in search dialog new option must be done - something like "Search with WLX plugins". But what plugin is used in internal viewer that can search for text in pdf files I don't know.

Re: Search file content, Containing text: in PDF documents

Posted: 27.11.2012, 21:32
by Marek
You can search the pdf files for text with FreeCommander XE - it is bonus for the donors.
How to make it - simply read the post and extend the converter filter for pdf files.

Re: Search file content, Containing text: in PDF documents

Posted: 27.11.2012, 23:17
by sdb
it does work!!!! and it's a great feature.

but somebody must be VERY ensure that all parameters are correct.

When changing things in "converter" the program has to be restarted and it must be ensured that all things are correctly filled out.

otherwise error messages like this can appear:

function: CreateDOSprocessRedirected

Funtion failure

sometimes I wish this feature and 7-zip could be implemented natively.

Re: Search file content, Containing text: in PDF documents

Posted: 27.11.2012, 23:35
by sdb
hmm what about a how to on the freecommander website for

how to use plug-in: 7-zip, xdoc2txt.exe

for 7-zip there was the hint from Karol without that I would not have found out how to use 7-zip.

(Open the file total7zip.template.xml and change the value for alwaysWait7zip from "0" to "1":