912 - Several settings dialogs showing incorrect background color with high contrast theme

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912 - Several settings dialogs showing incorrect background color with high contrast theme

#1 Post by H.Seldon » 14.09.2024, 06:45

This issue seems to have returned. It was originally reported for version 847 and corrected in 849.
I just updated to version 912, but it was also present in 910.
I don't know when this happened as I do not check settings very often.
I see this in several settings dialogs, including General, Select items, Archive plugins and Tree. See screenshots below:
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Re: 912 - Several settings dialogs showing incorrect background color with high contrast theme

#2 Post by H.Seldon » 14.09.2024, 18:05

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.

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Re: 912 - Several settings dialogs showing incorrect background color with high contrast theme

#3 Post by H.Seldon » 14.09.2024, 21:32

Looking through the various tabs of all the settings, I see many more instances. I hope one fix fits all.
If not, would it be possible to customize the dialog windows foreground/baclground the same way we do other elements of the UI?
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Re: 912 - Several settings dialogs showing incorrect background color with high contrast theme

#4 Post by H.Seldon » 20.09.2024, 00:21

Fixed in 913. Thanks Marek!
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.

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